Toll Enforcement

Home Toll By Plate Toll Enforcement

Unpaid Tolls

If you have unpaid tolls with the PA Turnpike, you may be at risk of having your vehicle registration suspended. Effective January 2, 2023, Act 112 of 2022 allows the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to request the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to suspend the vehicle registration of any Pennsylvania motorist with unpaid PA Turnpike tolls and fees totaling $250 or more.

pay your tolls image


If you think your registration may be impacted, click the link below to access our unpaid balance look up system. You will need your license plate number to complete the look up.

Unpaid Invoice Lookup

Payment to the PA Turnpike for all tolls and fees owed will ensure your vehicle registration remains in good standing.

If your registration is suspended, you will be responsible for payment of all outstanding tolls and fees to the PA Turnpike and will be required to pay a restoration fee to PennDOT. Take action now to avoid registration suspension.

What is a Habitual Offender?
The PA Turnpike Commission defines a "Habitual Offender" as a registered vehicle owner who has failed to pay four (4) or more Toll By Plate invoices or owes tolls and fees that collectively total more than $250. Refer to 75 Pa.C.S. § 1380.
No E-ZPass Transponder

A customer travels on the PA Turnpike without a valid E-ZPass Transponder

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Toll By Plate Invoice

A Toll By Plate invoice is mailed to the registered vehicle owner and must be paid or contested within 30 days.

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30 Day Calendar Icon

After 30 days, a past due invoice is issued with a late fee of the greater $5 or 1.5% of tolls.

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60 Day Calendar Icon

After 60 days, the unpaid invoice is sent to a collection agency with a collection fee imposed.

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The unpaid invoice will remain in collections for 90 days. If the invoice remains unpaid additional toll enforcement mechanisms commerce.

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4 Invoices or $250

The customer receives an eligible registration suspension letter when either criteria are met: (1) four outstanding invoices; or (2) $250 in unpaid tolls and fees.

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Pending Suspension

The customer does not resolve unpaid tolls within 30 days, PennDOT issues a pending registration suspension letter.

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Suspended 42 Days

The customer does not resolve unpaid tolls within 42 days after receiving the pending registration letter, PennDOT will execute an active indefinite registration suspension.

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Hands holding 100 dollar bills

A restoration fee is imposed by PennDOT and is collected with payment of tolls and fees before registration can be restored.

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Judges gavel and handcuffs

Driving with a suspended vehicle registration can lead to criminal penalties & loss of driving privileges. Avoid being a Habitual Offender and save money by having a valid E-ZPass.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have unpaid tolls with the PA Turnpike?

PennDOT suspended my registration, what does that mean?

What if I received a letter saying I have a pending suspension?

What is Act 112 of 2022?

How can I pay unpaid PA Turnpike tolls and fees?

How does Act 112 of 2022 work?

How do I know if I have unpaid PA Turnpike tolls and fees?

How do I reactivate my registration?

When did Act 112 of 2022 take effect?

View more Toll Enforcement Registration Suspension questions on the FAQs page.